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Call us Today 561-563-8882

Family Weekend Retreat

Three-day Family Retreat in Delray Beach

The Schnellenberger Family Foundation and The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center take to the road for a comprehensive, three-day family retreat, combining the educational know-how of our Family Educational Webinar series with the face-to-face insight gleaned from our Family Educational Retreats. In addition to the SFF hosts and The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center staff, the Family Retreat features guest speakers, role-playing workshops, assessment tests, treatment seminars, group therapy sessions, and many more recovery-related activities.

Schnellenberger Family Foundation Family Retreat

The Schnellenberger Family Foundation Family Retreat is a comprehensive, three-day recovery-centric family retreat hosted by the Schnellenberger Family Foundation and our affiliation, The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center. The Family Retreat is based in parts upon the client-centric methods and principles employed in The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center’s program, and family-centric methods and principles found in both the Family Weekend Retreat and the Family Weekly Webinar series.
Like The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center’s program, the retreat will cover the neurological and physiological aspects of addiction, as well as the impact substance abuse has on an addict’s mental, emotional and spiritual health. Like the Online Weekly Webinar and Family Educational Retreat programs, this retreat will chart the impact a loved one’s addiction has on a family’s well-being, the role each family plays in a loved one’s addiction, and how best to counter the impact and redefine the role.
Mostly though, this retreat is designed to provide the tools necessary to restore mental, emotional and spiritual health on both sides of the recovery equation, and to ensure families are fully-equipped to help their loved ones achieve long-term sobriety. Topics include the Disease Model, Recovery, Relapse, Boundaries & Bottoms, and Warning Signs, from both the addicts’ and his family’s perspective, plus an additional segment covering Family Self Care.

Immersion into Addiction Solution

There will be guest speakers, role-playing workshops, assessment tests, treatment seminars and group therapy sessions, as well as intensive training in all things addict and alcoholic. Think of the Schnellenberger Family Foundation’s Family Retreat as a three-day immersion in the solution to the problem of addiction.


Schnellenberger Family Foundation Family Retreat

The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center | 85 SW 5th Avenue, Delray Beach, Fl 33444 | 1(866)418-0146

Get Help Today