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Is There a Sober Home Near Me? Great Question!

sober home near me


Each and every day millions of Americans ask: Is there a sober home near me? It’s not just a great question, but it may just be the best question any of them ever asked. It’s certainly among the most important.

Think about it. Why does anyone ever ask such a question? Sure, it’s to find out the location of the closest sober home. More importantly though, it’s to find the closest source of help. If someone’s seeking a sober house, then said someone’s reaching out for assistance. It may be for themselves. It may be for a colleague. Or it may be for a loved one. Whatever the case, it’s no ho-hum search.

As a matter of fact the question is generally nothing less than the first step in the recovery process. It’s also often the most difficult. Few folks are eager to admit they even need help. Far fewer are ready to ask for it. That includes those who are seeking help for someone else.

Yes, addiction remains a touchy subject. For everyone involved. And when it comes to admitting the addiction of a friend or a loved one, family and friends sometimes show as much reluctance as the addict. Occasionally they show even more reluctance. After all, few folks want to see faults in their personal stars.

But addiction is not a failing. Neither is alcoholism. They’re diseases. As likely to strike Tom as they are to strike Dick as they are to strike Harry. That goes for every Rhonda, Trixie and Harrietta too. And the sooner everyone recognizes that fact the faster the world will get a grip on the issue. And the more comfortable people will be when asking “Is there a Sober Home Near Me?”

Seeking Help for Yourself

Did you just search “sober home near me”? Were you asking on your own behalf? Well, Congratulations! Seeking help means you’ve crossed recovery’s most important threshold. That is, you’ve admitted you need help. Now it’s time for you to get it.

And you’ve definitely come to the right place! Whether you’re battling addiction or alcoholism or a combination of both, Healing Properties can help. In fact, we’ve been helping men achieve sobriety since 2002. That’s right. Since 2002. And you don’t stay in business nearly two decades without gaining some serious insight — or having considerable success.

Healing Properties does indeed have a long track record of paying non-stop attention to every detail of every aspect of recovery. That is to say, we know what works. From the most nuanced of nuances to the big picture itself. And we’re ready, willing and eager to share what we know with you.

In fact, it’s our honor. We consider helping men achieve sobriety to be a most honorable endeavor. Oh, we’re not patting ourselves on the back. We’re simply attesting to the seriousness with which we address this duty. We’re also acknowledging the great gratitude we have for the men who’ve passed through our doors and into our lives. Men who’ve now become part of a large and extended family. Men who’ve allowed us the absolute honor of helping them restore their lives.

Want proof? We’ve got lots. Just check our Testimonials. There you’ll find first-person accounts of men who’ve reached unimaginable heights. Men who came in broken and alone. Found strength and hope. And who are now leading full and fulfilling lives.

Some of the men were so pleased with all they achieved they’ve even opted to shout it out via video. Okay, so maybe they aren’t exactly shouting. But their encouraging words most certainly deserve to be transmitted from rooftops everywhere.

Seeking Help for Others

Did you Google “sober home near me” on behalf of someone else? Good for you! Looking out for others is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it’s something to be applauded. After all, everyone wants what’s best for the people in their lives.

But addiction is indeed a tricky subject. And getting someone into treatment can be an even trickier proposition. Especially if the person hasn’t yet admitted they need help.

So what to do? Well, sometimes it’s easier to focus on what not to do. Especially at the beginning. For instance, don’t threaten or criticize. Ever. That will only spark anger and resentment. And neither will open the door to meaningful dialogue.

And open and meaningful dialogue is a crucial element of recovery. Remember, many people may not even agree they have a problem, let alone want to change the way they’re living. Others may fear consequences, such as losing their job or even going to jail. People may also feel awkward or embarrassed about discussing their addiction — with you or, for that matter, with anyone else. Then others may be using addiction to address mental illness issues.

That means you’ll need patience. And lots of it too. You’ll also need lots of understanding. No matter what degree of difficulty you’re facing. And the best way to provide either is to first help yourself.

We wholeheartedly recommend Al-Anon. It’s America’s oldest support group for friends and loved ones of addicts and alcoholics. It’s also perhaps the most successful and effective. After all, an organization doesn’t stay in existence for nearly 70 years considerable success and effectiveness. But Al-Anon has been helping folks help others since 1951. And it does so largely by helping them first help themselves.

There’s also another, more recent method making the rounds. It’s called Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT). CRAFT was founded back in the late ’70s by Dr. Robert J. Meyers after he’d helped develop Dr. Nathan Azrin’s Community Reinforcement Approach (CRA). In fact, CRAFT is basically CRA with the family thrown into the equation. Wiki says it “is designed to increase the odds of the substance user who is refusing treatment to enter treatment, as well as improve the lives of the concerned family members.”

Are you a concerned significant other? Does an intervention seem more and more likely? Then CRAFT may be right for you.

Is There a Sober Home Near Me?

Again, it’s a great question. And Healing Properties has been affirmatively answering that question for nearly two decades. No, not all our clients are actually from South Florida. (As a matter of fact, few South Floridians are from South Florida.) But everyone here wanted what this region has to offer. Yes, that includes lots of fun and sun and surf. (Hey, we’re in Delray Beach! On the Atlantic Ocean!) But it also includes one of the country’s most robust recovery communities. That means, you’re never more than a stones throw and five minutes from either a meeting or a sponsor or some other sober support. It also means you’re amid an ever-expanding contingent of recovery-friendly employers. In other words, a healthy and understanding place to both restore and restart your life.

Healing Properties is incredibly proud to be a part of this community. We’re even more proud to see how far it’s come over the past two decades. There’s really nothing quite like recovery when it comes to seeing dreams come true. And what we witness each and every day fills us with immeasurable joy. Granted, we don’t do the work. You do! But we do provide the perfect place for you to get the work done — and then some. And for that we are exceedingly blessed — and grateful!

Let us be your “sober home near me”!

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