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Anyone Can Become Addicted to Drugs

addicted to drugs

Anyone Can Become Addicted to Drugs

Who can become addicted to drugs? The short answer is anyone. But there are things you can do to reduce the risk. There are things you can do to beat addiction too.

Anyone Can Become Addicted to Drugs

As we’ve said before, we at Healing Properties love America’s National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). And as we said before, how could we not? The federal agency is informative. It’s helpful. And it cares. It also acts as a clearing house for the best and the brightest substance abuse research in the country, not to mention the most promising advances in addiction treatment.

NIDA also knows how to get to the heart of very troubling situations in the span of a single video. And it does so without preaching or pontificating. In fact, NIDA can be just the opposite. And when it comes to something as deadly as drug abuse, just the opposite is often just what we need.

Take the following clip. It not only explains just who can become addicted to drugs, but it also lists the risks of addiction, and it does so in under two preachy-free minutes. Better still, the clip ends with hope. And that’s most definitely what everyone battling addiction needs.

Who’s at Risk for Addiction?

The NIDA clip helpfully lists a few of the many types of people who are most at risk of becoming addicted to drugs. There are those whose families have a history of addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. There are those who are depressed or experiencing some other kind of existential malaise. And there are those who surround themselves with others who are drinking and drugging.

There are also those who are most impressed by what they see in and on media, social and otherwise. Who watch and follow people who glamorize drinking and drugging. And who consequently think it’s okay or even cool to mimic such behavior. You know the type. Impressionables. And they can be of any age or station.

Then there are the more artsy types. Those who are aware of art’s storied history with drugs and alcohol. And who then set out to do what their predecessors have done before them. Like the above, these are also impressionables. Just of a more shall we say high brow sort.

Genetics and depression, peer pressure and impression; they all put people at risk of addiction. So it’s important to recognize these factors as early and as often as possible. It’s also important to know that predisposition doesn’t mean doom. Neither do environmental, social or psychological issues. It simply means one must be steadfast in the face of addiction.

Beating Addiction

We at Healing Properties recognize the various strains of addictive types. We also recognize that addiction types often possess more than one strain. That’s why our recovery programs treat each addict according to his need. In fact, our highly-individualized addiction treatment plans are designed to do just that. And to effectively do so to boot.

To that happy end, Healing Properties provides a variety of addiction treatment options, including:

  • Detox
  • Residential Stabilization
  • Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)
  • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
  • Aftercare/Outpatient Program (OP)
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Healing Properties also offers our exclusive Recovery Boot Camp Track, which is geared for those suffering from long-term addiction and/or require long-term treatment. We also offer a Sober Living component, which ties into our robust Recovered Alumni Program and provides clients the necessary stability and support to achieve long-term sobriety.

    How do we know our addiction treatment works? Because we’ve been treating addicted men since 2002. That’s right. Since 2002. So we’ve seen a few thousand men come through and leave to lead happy and fulfilling lives. We’ve also seen what it takes to get over and beyond any and all barriers to sobriety. And we can’t wait to share what we know with anyone and everyone who wants and needs our help.

    If you or your loved one is addicted to drugs or alcohol, please give us a call. You’ll be glad that you did.

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