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Addiction Recovery Classes — Gratis!

addiction recovery classes

Addiction Recovery Classes — Gratis!

Addiction Recovery Classes come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, very few of which are free. The great good folks at ViewPoints are looking to change all that. In fact, the proverbial wheels are already in motion!

Yep, that’s right. Colorado Springs’ ViewPoints Psychotherapy Services has put together a new series of Addiction Recovery Classes, and, thanks to a state grant, they’re offering ’em all Gratis. Even better, the slate is heavy on sober-sided activities, which will be a definite blessing after a year of near utter isolation.

The program is called NewLife University. Classes will take place from 3pm-5pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning in February, and are open to anyone between the ages of 18 and 65. And while the initial curriculum leans more toward the activity side of the behavioral equation, ViewPoints’ rep as ace clinicians surely means the roster will expand to include some therapeutic to-do’s as well. Whatever the offering, you can bet it’ll be geared to helping people maintain their coveted sobriety.

ViewPoints is Taking a LifeStance

That’s not the only company-wide development taking place at ViewPoints. Not by a longshot. In fact, the entire company is welcoming in the new year by undergoing a a bit of a rebrand. Why? To more fully align with its relatively new parent, LifeStance Health. Oh, don’t worry. ViewPoints will still largely be keeping its core point of view. After all, that solidity is what attracted LifeStance in the first place. But they are changing the name. LifeStance CEO Michael Lester even says so.

“While the name on our clinics might be changing,” says the LifeStance Chief, “our mission to improve access to compassionate, comprehensive, and convenient mental health services remains the same.”

Sounds good. Though “improve access” seems to be a rather understated way to say covering the entire country. And that’s exactly what LifeStance seems to be doing. Then again, when a company fields over 3,000 psychiatrists, psychologists, nurse practitioners, and licensed therapists in 250+ clinics, across 23 states, and has a solid telehealth program, there’s really no need to boast.

Whether the sign on the door (or the landing page) says ViewPoints or LifeStance (the name change officially goes into effect on March 1), you’ll still get a comprehensive array of behavioral therapy. In fact, both company’s offerings align quite nicely, which will surely make for a seamless transition.

SUD and Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy, of course, is ViewPoints’ raison d’etre. (After all, it is in its original name.) But just what is psychotherapy? Well, the American Psychiatric Association defines it simply as “talk therapy.” The method is used to help people with mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. And it’s an effective way for someone to learn about their condition, as well as their moods, feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Though today’s programs continue to emphasize talk, more and more clinics are incorporating other elements into their therapy equation, including medication and life-skills training. These additions are especially helpful for those who are suffering from co-occurring disorders such as depression or ADHD, in addition to Substance Use Disorder (SUD).

ViewPoints’ site cites an arsenal that includes Individual Therapy, Psychiatry & Medication Management, Psychological Testing/Diagnostic Evaluations, Autism Screenings/IEP Support, Substance Use Disorders, Couples & Family Therapy, Vocational & Aptitude Evaluations, Teletherapy and E-Counseling, Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT) and Court-Mandated Cognitive Skills Training. It’s a cinch the company will continue this bountiful array under the LifeStance Health banner.

Addiction Recovery Classes

Back to those addiction recovery classes…

The PR Newswire release begins something like this:

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) — ViewPoints Psychotherapy in Colorado Springs has created a cutting-edge initiative for people in recovery. The program is completely free, with no cost or insurance needed.

The program starts in February. And it’s open to anyone between the ages of 18 and 65. There will be classes and sober activities every Tuesday and Thursday evening. The classes address a bevy of topics, including parenting, interpersonal relationships, communication, diet and nutrition and financial management. Fishing trips, disc golf, miniature golfing and bowling are among the fun-filled sober activities.

The founders of the program say the goal is to help people maintain their sobriety, especially through these difficult times. That’s why they’re calling the program NewLife University.

It’s quite a lengthy list of complimentary addiction recovery classes. Welcome too. Especially after a near-year of living so precariously. We’re not entirely sure which classes begin when. So you’ll want to reach out to ViewPoints to get the schedule. You may also want to see what other addiction recovery offerings they might provide. Even if you’re not in Colorado Springs.

The key is to get engaged — somehow, somewhere, some when. Whether it’s telehealth talk or a bowling alley takeover, getting engaged will greatly help you stay sober. It quite likely will also be either edifying or fun. Hey, if you’re lucky, it’ll be both.

Healing Properties Says

Healing Properties salutes ViewPoints on its stepping up for the addiction recovery community. Sure, we know it involves their core business. However, it’s still an above and beyond. And any company that comes through above and beyond deserves to be saluted.

We also encourage anyone who’s battling addiction or alcoholism to reach out. Whether it’s ViewPoints or LifeStance or Healing Properties, call someone. There are reputable people out there. People who’ve devoted their very lives to helping others beat this disease. So please, give ’em a chance to help. You owe it to yourself. You owe it to your family, And you owe it to the world.

There’s life to be lived. Big, glorious life. And you can’t reach the heights if you’re weighed down by drink or drugs. So shed the extra weight — and rise to the occasion.

Healing Properties has been helping men get and stay clean since 2002. If you or a loved one needs help with substance abuse, please give us a call. We’d very much like to help. In fact, we’d be absolutely honored for the opportunity.

(Image by Nick Youngson of Alpha Stock Images via Picserver — Creative Commons 3.)

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