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Big Book Study

Treatment Center Delray Beach

Big Book Study

For the past couple of years, every Wednesday, we have had a Big Book Study on the main compound. It really has become a big deal.

It started off as a mandatory meeting just for the tenants, but about a year ago, I opened it up to the public Francesca took over is drawing in AA members from all over, beginners and people with multiple years of sobriety. It is amazing to me to see sponsors bringing their sponsees in as an addition to the work that they do one on one. This is not a traditional AA meeting as we do not want to violate any tradition.  What it is, is hard look at what Bill Wilson and the first 100 wrote, read and broken down by one of the most knowledgeable historians of AA that I have ever met or had the chance to hear speak. Go Francesca!

Well…Francesca has been away for the past four weeks and is finally back. So, we are starting all over today. We will be starting with “The Doctor’s Opinion” and working our way thru. If you haven’t heard her I really suggest you do. Feel free to stop by any Wednesday at 6:00pm.

You can call Jon for Directions: 561-716-0784

Michael Wright
Michael Wright, on in Acceptance

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