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A Florida Halfway House You Can Trust

Florida Halfway House

A Florida Halfway House You Can Trust

Halfway Houses are not created equally. Not even close. They’re not operated equally either. And they sure don’t offer equal results. If you’re seeking a Florida halfway house you can trust, in every respect, you need look no further than Healing Properties.

Founding a Florida Halfway House

Tim Schnellenberger’s sobriety didn’t happen overnight. It didn’t even happen after a few nights. No, it took a good few hundred nights. It took more than one treatment center too. But when his sobriety finally took, it was solid. Rock solid. And Tim wanted to share that newfound strength with men just like him.

But back in 2002, there were very few halfway houses in Delray Beach, Florida. And of the few that did exist, even fewer were truly reputable. Too many time Tim heard stories of men completing three or six or nine months of rehab, only to relapse soon after transitioning into a sober home. Even worse, many of those sober homes permitted men to stay on while in active addiction.

That of course made it nearly impossible for men who were genuinely seeking sobriety. After all, complete sobriety is the sober home’s first requirement. Heck, it’s right there in the name. To permit men to drink and drug around men who were doing everything in their power not to drink and drug defeated the whole purpose.

Okay, so those were the worst of the bad actors. But many of the other halfway houses weren’t that much better. If they tested for drugs and alcohol, they did so rarely. And there were few repercussions for men who tested positive for drugs or alcohol. Others might test regularly, but decisively lacked when it came to work or fellowship. Others might do well in testing and employment and fellowship, yet didn’t insist a resident make A.A. meetings or work the 12 Steps.

Tim wanted to see a Florida halfway house that succeeded in sobriety on every front. So he built one himself. He named the sober home Healing Properties. And set off to share the absolute glory of sobriety with men just like him.

What’s in a Florida Sober Home?

As mentioned, an effective and reputable Florida halfway house consists of a few distinct and uncompromising components. These components are as essential to the halfway house’s success as they are to its residents’ ongoing sobriety. Remember, most halfway house stays last no more than a year. From there on out it’s up to the client himself. If sobriety is to be true and everlasting, it needs to have a solid and unwavering foundation. A foundation that can only be found in the right components.

Here are the most essential sober home components:

  • 100% Abstinence: No ifs, no ands, and no buts. All clients must completely abstain from drugs and alcohol throughout their stay. Period.
  • Drug & Alcohol Testing: To ensure 100% compliance, the halfway house must conduct regular and sporadic drug and alcohol tests.
  • Fellowship: Few factors increase the risk of relapse quite like isolation. Consequently, it’s crucial it be combatted from the get. Strong, solid fellowship provides sober support. It also reminds the client that he’s not alone.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous: Speaking of which, A.A. was founded upon fellowship. In fact, it’s inherent in everything they do. Considering they’ve been doing it for nearly a century — and with significant success no less — there’s little wonder why the best sober homes adhere to A.A.>/li>
  • 12 Steps: A.A. adherence begins and ends with the 12 Steps. Working them. Practicing them. And integrating them in all your affairs. A.A.’s 12 Steps will help you get to the root of what drove your addiction and alcoholism to begin with. It will also provide a guide for living a sober life.
  • Sponsorship: This is where fellowship, A.A. and the 12 Steps meet — and through which you’ll be able to solidly succeed. A sponsor will help you generate a robust and effective sober living regimen that includes everything from re-entering the workforce to reconnecting with loved ones. It will also help you reach a higher spiritual ground.
  • This is by no means a completely comprehensive list of all the components to be found in an effective Florida halfway house. But it does contain the most essential elements. Please check to be sure any sober home you’re considering follows these basic and necessary guidelines. Remember, your very life depends upon it!

    Healing Properties provides top notch sober living for men who are battling alcoholism and addiction. In fact, we’ve been providing just that since 2002. That means we’ve helped thousands upon thousands of men succeed in sobriety. And we’ll continue helping men so long as there’s a need. Check us out on Facebook. And please, if you or someone you know and love is having difficulties with substance abuse of any kind give us a ring at 561-563-8882

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