Top Notch Florida Rehab
Healing Properties is a top notch Florida rehab for men who are truly serious about achieving long-term sobriety. We offer a wide range of addiction treatment options, including 30, 60 and 90 day programs. We also offer an extensive array of Aftercare plans. If you or your loved one is experiencing issues with substance abuse, then please get in touch.
Top Notch Florida Rehab
Just what makes for a top notch Florida rehab? Well, a proven track record for one. Healing Properties has been helping men achieve long-term sobriety since 2002. In fact, over that time we’ve helped over 7000 men go on to full — and fulfilling — lives. And we’ll keep helping men so long as there are men in need of our help.
Want proof? Then check out our numerous testimonials, both written and video.
How do we do it? We do it by providing a caring, compassionate and comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. Our staff is not only trained in recovery; they are themselves in recovery. And consequently more than well-versed in what it takes to effectively battle substance abuse. In other words, you’ll be treated by professionals who’ve been there, done that and know well how never to do it again.
We also provide the most compassionate continuum of care program possible. There’s Residential Stabilization, which lasts from five days to two weeks. There’s our 30-day Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). And there are 30, 60 and 90 Day Intensive Outpatient (IOP) options. There’s also a variety of individualized Outpatient (OP) and Aftercare plans. In fact, all of our programs are tailored to meet each individual’s familial, work and/or educational needs. They’re also designed to address specific addictions, as well as any potential co-occurring disorder(s).
Healing Properties treats every imaginable addiction, including:
- Heroin
- Fentanyl
- OxyContin
- Alcohol
- Cocaine
- Benzos
Find Addiction Help Now!
Imagine waking in the morning and not having to worry about where you’re going to get your next drink or drug. Picture going to bed at night without fretting about your addiction. Envision a life free from substance abuse and all the horrors it entails.
Does that sound like a life for you? Of course it does. It’s possible too. In fact, it’s probable. If, that is, you’re ready, willing and eager to step up and fight the good fight. Then again, why wouldn’t you be? If you’re like any of our clients, addiction has already wrecked your world. And if you’re like any of our successful alumni, you know it’s time to kick addiction to the curb.
That what happens here at Healing Properties. Men face their demons; then they put ’em in their place. They say so long to substance abuse, once and for all. And they say Hello to a life beyond their wildest dreams. They regain their standing with their families. They regain their standing within the community. And they regain their self-respect.
It doesn’t matter what you do. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done. And it doesn’t matter where you’re from either. Every addict and alcoholic is created equally. They deserve to be treated equally too. As well as individually. That’s what we do here at Healing Properties. Treat men equally, individually and effectively. And we get them on the road to long-term sobriety.
If you or your loved one is battling addition, please, by all means, give us a ring. We’re here to help.