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Getting Sober in Reno and Lexington

getting sober

Getting Sober in Reno and Lexington

Getting sober in Reno and Lexington just got a whole lot easier — and not a moment too soon either! Not with folks still bottled up in their homes because of the pandemic anyway. And when we say bottled up, we mean bottled up. In fact, the country’s alcohol abuse numbers are skyrocketing. And they’ve been skyrocketing for nearly a year.

Fortunately more and more cities are realizing the immense benefits to be found in sober homes. We know how invaluable sober housing is down here in South Florida. Now more folks can experience all that sober living has to offer up in Nevada and Kentucky too. No, these new sober living facilities may not be the first for either Reno or Lexington. They’re actually not even brand new. But they’re surely much welcome in both cities.

Getting Sober in Reno

Reno’s sober living facility is called Crossroads Sober Living. We found out about the new sober home from KTVN’s Chris Buckley, who delivered a detailed report. It was Buckley who informed us that Crossroads is a collaborative effort between Reno’s Catholic Charities and Washoe County Human Services. Buckley also let us know that Crossroads has open beds and is accepting new clients. Even better, she reports that the program is free and comes replete with an array of helpful services.

Crossroads has actually been open for some time now. And during that time it’s helped a good score of people get back on their feet again. People just like Rick Schraub.

“I came to Crossroads after hearing it has a very high success rate for people who are suffering from a variety of substance abuse disorders,” said the newly sober client. “I’m an alcoholic and needed a program that would provide me with the tools necessary to recover, and to retain my sobriety.”

“I’ve been with Crossroads just under six months now,” Schraub added. “And it’s been an absolute life-changing experience for sure.”

In fact, Schraub’s so far along that he’s ready, willing and eager to rejoin the community.

“I’m at the looking-for-employment stage,” Schraub said. “That doesn’t mean I’m leaving right away. We have a lot of people in the program working full time. That’s the idea; it’s transitional.”

Just as it should be, says Crossroads Co-Director Charla Rush.

“Our goal is to have our men go back into the community and be better fathers, brothers, sons,” she said. “To be a part of the community; to be able to have a life sustained in sobriety.”

And how! To that end Crossroads provides clients with extensive substance abuse and mental health resources, as well as services that support their transitioning back to society. Different colored lanyards signify where they are in that journey.

“That’s where I am in my program,” said Schraub. “But I anticipate that even after I leave Crossroads, I’ll still be part of this community.”

Schraub’s certainly one of Crossroads’ many success stories over the years. Rush wants to ensure there are many more to come.

“If you are ready for a change, find us,” she said. “It’s a great program and we just want to help you have a better life.”

Who could argue with that?

Lexington, Kentucky

Over in Lexington they’ve got The Walker House, a faith-based sober living home for men with one goal: to help recovering addicts succeed in sobriety.

That’s what WTVQ’s Kaitlyn Shive reports anyway. And we believe her. After all, she does report for the local ABC affiliate.

Part of Shive’s reporting included speaking with John Fuston. Furston has long “struggled with addiction,” writes Shive, “recovering and relapsing over and over.” When Fuston found The Walker House however, his life took a turn for the better. Fuston knows how lucky he was. He’s decidedly grateful too.

“This disease is no joke,” he said. “And it’s only by the grace of God that we have these opportunities.”

The Walker House has given Fuston a chance to work his program again; this time with strong sober support. He’s hoping to serve as an inspiration to other suffering men.

“Maybe now I can be that attraction for somebody,” said Fuston. Who’s love to hear someone say ‘hey I want what this guy’s got; maybe it’s time to get some help.’

In addition to sober support, The Walker House is set in one of Lexington’s more upscale communities. In this case, the Blackford Oaks subdivision. The setting was intentional, says owner Steven Smith.

“The rough parts of town,” said Smith, “with the trap houses right next door… If I’m having a bad day and I know a drug dealer is right next door… that’s dangerous. So we want to be located in a nice neighborhood, far away from where any of that takes place.”

Smith happens to be a recovering addict himself, so he definitely knows of what he speaks. He’s also using his experience to create a space that will foster other successful sobriety journeys. It’s working wonderfully.

“I’ve never lived in a house like this,” said Assistant Director Bobby Colegrove, “so when I moved in I had something to be proud of. I want the new guys to be just as proud.”

And just as sober. All of the residents are expected to abide by strict sober home rules, including random drug tests, attending AA and NA meetings and maintaining a job. Since the Walker House is faith-based, those rules also include attending church once a week and being immersed in community service. That’s for the clients’ own good, as well as to honor the pastor who helped Smith attain true sobriety.

“We make sure they’re on the right track not just in recovery but all aspects of life,” said Smith. And good for his men that he does so too.

Kudos and Congrats

Healing Property would like to Congratulate both Crossroads and The Walker House for fielding such inspiring sober homes. The more sober housing facilities such as these there are, the better of everyone will be. Seriously. There are still far too many folks who don’t have access to top notch recovery centers. There are even more folks lacking the kind of hands-on recovery provided by Crossroads and The Walker House. Residents of Reno and Lexington should be proud.

What about you? Are you seeking sobriety? You know you don’t have to be in Nevada or Kentucky to get sober. You don’t even have to be in South Florida. There’s help all across the country. All you’ve gotta do is reach out and ask someone. Trust us. Better yet, call us. We’ll point you in a truly sober direction.

(Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons — with gratitude!)

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