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Healing Properties Gets Another 5 Star Review!

Healing Properties Gets Another 5 Star Review!

There’s nothing quite as heartwarming as a client’s 5 Star Review. We repeat, nothing. Oh, it’s not just that the accolade is good for the sober home (though of course there is that). Rather it’s that the accolade proves the sober home did good. It did good for the client. It did good for his colleagues. And it did good for his family and friends. It also did good for the communities, both here in Delray Beach and back in the place the client calls home.

In this particular case, back home was Little Rock. Still is, too. We happen to get a lot of Arkansas men. That’s largely because one told another who told two who told three. Here we were even able to trace the line of chatter from one brother to another and then on to the dad. Really. Makes sense though since word of mouth is how we get the word out. You might even call it our primary marketing tool. Come to think of it, other than the odd Facebook “Hey!” it’s our only marketing tool. No matter. When a sober home helps a client find happiness and sobriety, there’s no need for much more than word of mouth.

And once again we were blessed with a client who sobered up and left happier than he’d been in a long, long time. It sure didn’t begin on a happy note though. Not even close. And the reviewer’s review attests to that fact from the very start.

“I really did not want to live in sober living,” writes Copeland, father to the two sons who’d previously succeeded at Healing Properties. “But I realized that I needed to get my routines and behaviors firmly in place.”

See, Copeland shared the same outlook as most of our clients — reluctant, yet resigned. Reluctant to set aside time for a sober home stint, yet resigned to the fact that the stint might just save his life. When Copeland finally realized he needed to get his routines and behaviors together though, he wasn’t exaggerating in the least. Otherwise why else would a 90-day drive-by turn into an 11-month reboot?

Suffice to say, it was a fulfilling and fruitful 11 months.

“What an incredible experience,” declared Copeland. He then went on to applaud “the staff [for being so] instrumental in [his] recovery.” Copeland especially appreciated how the “weekly check-ins held [him] accountable.”

“I had lost my direction in life,” he admitted, “and Healing Properties provided structure that I desperately needed.”

The Heartwarming 5 Star Review

Like we said, the entire episode was overwhelmingly heartwarming. To be able to help a man regain his direction is one of the greatest gifts of all. We know. Because we’ve been helping men do just that for 20 solid years.

Yeah, yeah. We hear you. This is supposed to be about Copeland. But not even Copeland can stop making it about us too. Really.

“If you’re reading this and wondering how to maintain your sobriety,” he continues, “pick up the phone and call Healing Properties. It could be just what you need to get to a better way of living.”

And just like that Copeland reveals to the world everything there is to reveal. One, that Healing Properties helped save his life. And two, that we could help save your life too.

It doesn’t get any better than that. It can’t. Because like we said, life is everything.

Blessings & Gratitude

Over the years we’ve found it’s generally blessing enough to see a man leave HP with a firm grip on sobriety. It’s especially so when the man continues on that sober road long after he’s gone. When that man then also decides to both share his experience with the world and to recommend the world follows the same route, well, we’re left feeling blessed beyond words.

We’re also left feeling tremendously grateful. Grateful for the good words in the 5 Star Review, sure. More importantly though, we’re grateful that Copeland’s still around to utter those words. And though we’ve been fortunate to feel such great gratitude on thousands of occasions, each new occasion leaves our hearts feeling just as warm as they were when the first client moved on up back in 2001.

Thank you, Copeland! Eversomuch. You’re one helluva guy!

How about you? Have you had a successful sober home experience? Would you like to? If you’re seeking solid sobriety, we’ll provide the requisite structure. That includes a seriously solid and sober community of men. Men like Copeland, who didn’t get it until he was damn well and ready. Yet who now remains ready for the everything he deserves. Sp go ahead. Give us a ring. We’ll get you sorted for good.

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