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Miracles do happen

Addiction Treatment Delray Beach

Miracles do happen

Basically the turning point in my life came when a friend of mine accepted me at his halfway house; which happened to be Healing Properties. I had been an active alcoholic since I was seventeen years old and my disease progressed to a state of paranoia at which point I was on the brink of death.

By the age of twenty-seven I began to lock myself into hotels, crashing on the couch’s of friends and staying at my parents house when I could. All of this was brought about by my addiction which was growing stronger as it was weakening my spirit. When recreation turned to habit I was getting high and drunk every day. The paranoia began playing tricks on me and I would talk to myself and scream at the phantoms in my closet to save me.

Eventually I became so disheartened that I went to my father and confessed what my life had become. This was my initial attempt at willingness, something I hadn’t seen in myself for a decade. Before I ever picked up that first drink, my life was on the path to success, I had everything I could have wanted. My parents were hard working individuals who provided me with love and care. And I had Grandparents who spoiled me rotten

. I had two brothers and a sister who loved me unconditionally, the best friends a boy could ask for, and a promising athletic career with the grades to take it to the college level. Although I had a promising future I started to experiment with mind altering substances which grasped my life and turned it upside down. My caring family saw my life crashing in around me, this is when my father found a treatment facility in Delray Beach where I spent three months. This is where I was introduced to Alcoholics Anonymous.

After graduation I was fortunate enough to get a bed at Healing Properties, however I was resistant to the structure and accountability that I was encountering there. I was truely convinced that I could acheive sobriety without the twelve steps, structure, or accountability. I left Healing Properties after 3 months and stayed dry for 18 months without working a program of recovery. This state that I was in was more miserable than any of my days drinking or using drugs. The day came when I picked up once more, and in a few short months I had lost my job, my friends and the roof over my head. The final two agonizing weeks of my bender, I was broken and on the verge of suicide. Sleeping in my car begging for change and bathing in pools

. I had what most addicts call a moment of clarity, I thought of Tim and Healing Properties. I thought of all the times I had been told that there was a solution to my alcoholism. Finally I had enough and mustered up the strength and courage to call Tim. I spoke to him about coming back. When I got back I had nothing but the shirt on my back. The fact was that I needed structure and accountability in my life if I was going to succeed in sobriety. But more-so I need to get a sponsor and work the twelve steps as outlined in the book of alcoholics anonymous.

Healing Properties allowed me to build a strong foundation which outlined how to live my life. I lived at Healing Properties for 9 months the second time working a vigorous program of action. I developed and perfected a set of life skills like showing up for work, being a son to my parents, coming home at a decent hour and cleaning my house to the best of my ability. These are just some of the skill sets i developed while staying at Healing Properties.

Today, having over two years sober, my life is beyond comprehension, I help other alcoholics and addicts in need by being a sponsor and taking them through the twelve steps. I am a productive member of society, but helping others at Healing Propeties as the male Property manager is one of the greatest blessings which sobriety has granted me. I am truly blessed to carry the tradition that Healing Properties has produced within the sober community. Healing Properties is a place of great faith and passion and it is my belief that miracles do happen here, I am living proof of that.

Michael Wright
Michael Wright, on in Sobriety

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