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News Summer 2008

News Summer 2008

Dear Friends,

I am pleased to introduce Brian Zarmanian as the newest addition to the Healing Properties team. As Male Property Manager, Brian’s responsibilities include enforcing all of the rules and regulations set forth by Healing Properties, providing daily moral support and guidance to all of our male residents, and maintaining consistent and effective communications with our referring facilities. Brian has launched into the position with passion and vigor, personally acquainting himself with each resident and providing individualized guidance.

Before coming to Healing Properties, Brian’s reputation and experienced as a leader in the sober community, graduate of Healing Properties, combined with his robust adherent to the principles of a sober life, rendered him a perfect candidate for Male Property Manager. I am truly excited to have this opportunity to introduce him to the Healing Properties community and see the new and fantastic directions in which he takes our program.

Six years ago, I opened Healing Properties with four beds and a passion for recovery. In that time, Healing Properties has grown to accommodate over eighty residents at one time, and has graduated hundreds of men and woman who have gone on to live sober and purposeful lives. The commitment to excellence inherent in the Healing Properties’ philosophy has remained unshaken. In light of this, it is with great pride and honor that I offer Brian as our newest vehicle for executing our principles.

Brian is eager to meet with as many of his referring therapists and treatment centers as possible. He is always available for tours of the property as well as presentations of our program. Please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience so we may introduce you to our newest leader.

As always, I am available to you for any and all questions or concerns you may have.

I would like to personally express my gratitude to all of you who make the Healing Properties experience possible.


Timothy H. Schnellenberger

Michael Wright
Michael Wright, on in Sober Living News

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