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Delray Beach Halfway House Tips

Delray Beach Halfway House Tips

5 Tips for Finding the Right Delray Beach Halfway House

When it comes to finding the right Delray Beach halfway house there are many things to consider… here are a five of the most important:

  • Geography Not all halfway houses are located equally. You’ll want to choose a facility that’s close to job opportunities, recreation and public transportation. And yes, you’ll want to be close to the Atlantic. Otherwise, why be in Delray Beach?
  • Fellowship Not all halfway houses are strong on brotherhood. You’ll want to choose a facility that emphasizes fellowship. Because without the strength and camaraderie of men like you, it’s much harder to achieve long-term sobriety.
  • Longevity Not all halfway houses have been around the block. You’ll want to choose a facility that has the experience and longevity to help you get and stay sober. Fly-by-nights won’t cut it.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Not all halfway houses adhere to the program put forth by A. A. They don’t work the Steps, they don’t insist on sponsorship, and they don’t make meetings. Don’t let the A.A. name fool you. The 12 Steps work, whether you like drink or drugs (or both).
  • Success Not all halfway houses succeed equally. You’ll want to choose a facility with a proven success rate. A place where alumni have truthfully attested to its role in helping them achieve long-term sobriety.
  • The Right Delray Beach Halfway House

    Healing Properties is the right Delray Beach halfway house. We are located in the center of Delray Beach, close to job ops, recreation and the ocean. We are built upon a foundation of fellowship and brotherhood. And we’ve been at it since 2002. We strictly adhere to the 12 Step tenets put forth by A.A. And we have many a testimonial from some of the thousands who have succeeded as a result. Got doubts? Check our Sober House Reviews pages. And you’ll see firsthand how we succeed in sobriety.

    Healing Properties. We are Sober AF!

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