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Is There Sober Living Near Me? Of Course There Is!

sober living near me

Is There Sober Living Near Me? Of Course There Is!

Sober Living Near Me is one of the most important searches you’ll ever make. Seriously. Because it means you’ve finally decided to turn your life right-side up. It also means you’re looking to follow dreams instead of nightmares. And once you get right-side up, dreams will be coming true like clockwork.

No foolin.’

Now that you’ve found Sober Living Near You and are eager to turn your life right-side up, you’ll want to make sure the sober living facility is a right-side up kinda place. In other words, if it’ll do what it’s supposed to do and keep you safe and sober. But don’t worry. It’s really just a question of checking out the sober home. Seeing that they stick to sobriety and don’t waste your time, let alone risk your life.

So we’ve put together a quick checklist of to-do’s done by every reputable sober home. Some may do things a little differently than others, but all do the right thing all the time. How do we know? Because we’ve been kickin’ ass and taking names since 2002. That’s right. Nearly two full decades of helping men get clean and stay sober. Two decades which we learned a thing or two because we’ve done a thing or two.

Let’s go!

Sober Home Do’s

Like we said, reputable sober homes all maintain certain standards. High standards. And they do so thoroughly and consistently. After all, sobriety is serious business. To take it any way other than seriously would be a mistake. A huge mistake.

Anyway, here’s some of what all the best sober living facilities got goin’ for them:


Where do you think reputable comes from? Right. Reputation. And the most reputable sober homes have a reputation to match. How can you tell? Reviews and testimonials. What do the previous clients have to say? Was the facility clean? Was the staff on point? Were they serious about sobriety? A bona fide sober living facility will have a good many reviews attesting to its worthiness. It’ll also have a healthy alumni community sticking around and helping the newcomers. Make sure the sober home in question’s got their rep in order.

The 12 Steps

Yes, believe it or not, the most effective and successful sober homes swear by AA’s 12 Steps. Why? Because they work. That’s why. In fact, they’ve worked for nearly a century. You don’t necessarily have to be a card-carrying member of Alcoholics Anonymous your whole life. (Though it certainly wouldn’t kill you.) But the Steps are a great way to get over the humps you’ll encounter in early sobriety. You may even learn a thing or three about yourself. So give ’em a try.

Recovery Community

The best sober homes are located in an active recovery community. Why? Because that’s where you’ll get the strongest sober support. It’s also where you’ll find the easiest path back to a productive day-to-day. Remember, an active recovery community also means recovery-friendly businesses and activities. And any place that helps you find meaningful work and stay healthy and active will be a boon to your sobriety. It’ll take a lot of the pressure off of you too.

History & Pedigree

This kinda falls in line with reputation, but it’s important nonetheless. Does the sober home in question have a good history? Has it been in business awhile? Is it affiliated with other reputable agencies? Sure, some new sober living facilities have what it takes to help you get and stay sober, but some do not. However, any sober home that’s been around for a decade or so is sure to be doing something right. So why chance it? Sobriety is no time or place to shirk assurance. Be assured. Very assured.

There’s more of course. Much more. (Isn’t there always?) But the above will ensure you’re properly set. Just be sure to do your homework before deciding on a place and you’ll be fine. Good luck!

Healing Properties Provides Righteous Sober Living Near You

Yep, you guessed it. Now’s the time when we get to tell you all about what Healing Properties has to offer. We’re eager to do so too. Why? Because helping men turn around their lives is the reason we’re here. So we’re eager to do anything that enables us to do more of what we’re built to do. That make sense?

We’ll begin by bragging about our reputation. We’ve got one alright. And it’s a good one too. Just check our reviews and testimonials. In fact, they’re so good we offer them in two forms — written and video. Really. Our Facebook page is also loaded with Likes. So is our main page on Google. Then again, what else would you expect from a sober living facility that’s been in business since 2002?

Naturally, those two decades also give us a history. And a damn good history at that. We’ve helped thousands and thousands of men find strength and happiness over those many years. Men who came in broken and who left to lead full and fulfilling lives. Men who reestablished their roles with family and community. In other words, men who are quite likely a lot like you.

Don’t just take our word for it though. Ask them. Check those reviews and testimonials. Better yet, attend one of our monthly Recovered Alumni Group meetings. They’re open (when the world opens again) and full of great good sobriety. And we’d be honored to have you.

And yes, as you probably suspect, we work the 12 Steps. We work ’em hard too. Because they work. And the harder we work ’em the better and longer they work. It really is that simple. We’ve also found that the men who most eagerly and thoroughly work the Steps restore their lives a lot quicker. And there’s nothing like the smile of a newly restored man to make our day.

Of course it also helps that we’re located in one of the country’s most robust and supportive recovery communities. That’s right. Delray Beach, Florida. Right on the Atlantic Ocean. You’ve undoubtedly heard the stories about Palm Beach County. Well, the place has turned into a hotbed of active recovery. Businesses hire from the recovery community. Gyms and other facilities are recovery-oriented. And you’re never more than a mile away from a meeting. In other words, Delray Beach is blessed with nothing but the strongest sober support. Sure most of our guys come for the beach. But they end up staying for the sobriety!

This sound like something for you? Do you really wanna flip the script on your life? Are you truly ready? Then give us a shout. We’d be honored to help you out.

(Image courtesy Wiki Commons — with great gratitude.)

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