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Transformation! When a Man Finds Full Recovery

Full Recovery

Transformation! When a Man Finds Full Recovery

Last week a man said he decided on Healing Properties after reading a previous resident’s Testimonial. We knew that had happened before of course. But it was nevertheless great to be reminded of it happening again. So great in fact that we thought it would be a good idea to share another one of our amazing Testimonials here, plus provide the link that leads to many more. After all, who are we to argue with success? Especially when it’s the success that comes with full recovery!

We’re just kidding naturally. But only just. See there really is something to be said about Healing Properties‘ recovery success rate. That’s obviously why so many of our alumni take time out to leave Testimonials. And if what they say can help others find the same success, it’s imperative we get those words out there. So yeah, we’re sharing the shares. And we’re sharing them as far and as widely as we possibly can.

Consider it just one part in our ongoing mission to bring full recovery to as many men as possible. It’s a mission that’s been active for 20 solid years now. And it’ll stay active so long as there’s a man in need of full recovery.

Ian D Transforms Into the Person He Wanted to Be

Meet Ian D. As you’ll see, Ian spent eight months at Healing Properties, after a 30-day stint in a treatment center. You’ll see Ian had spent a decade ripping and running. And by the time it was over, he was done. Good and done. That’s what drove him to rehab in the first place. And though a follow-up stay in a sober home may not have been on Ian’s wish list, he also surrendered to that notion. Good that he did so too, because Ian’s stay at Healing Properties provided him an opportunity to become who he wanted to become all along – a stand-up man.

We’ll let Ian’s letter speak for itself:

My name is Ian D.

Over ten years, my use of drugs and alcohol evolved from an experiment between friends to a full time obsession. By the age of 24, the hopelessness was crushing, and I moved back in with my parents. I was incapable of holding a job, forming a relationship, or living independently. Shame, fear, and guilt were my guiding forces. Death seemed the only way out.

After a small, but effective intervention, I spent thirty days in a treatment center. I was introduced to the idea that my disease required a complete spiritual and behavioral transformation for recovery. It was recommended that I spend three months in a halfway house before returning home. I rebelled against the notion, but I could no longer continue the fight. Fear and despair opened me up to suggestion. I would be going to Healing Properties in Delray Beach, Florida.

A resident volunteered to pick me up at the airport. I was greeted warmly by the management and given a tour of the property. My anxiety dissipated as I saw the clean, fully furnished house were I would be staying with five other roommates. The simple rules were based on safety, sobriety, and respect. I was expected to be involved in an active program of sobriety, consisting of going to meetings and getting a sponsor.

I stayed at Healing Properties for the next eight months. I came to embrace the rules and call the property “home.” The residents and staff have become my closest friends and support group. I have come to learn respect for those around me by living with a diverse variety of housemates. The safe environment was the perfect place to find a new design for living that can be continued for the rest of my life. A mixture of structure and independence helped me to enter back into society with a new set of spiritual principles. Healing Properties facilitated my transformation into the person that I wanted to be, and helped me to find freedom and happiness. While at the property, I was reborn under God. I have left Healing Properties to pursue my dreams, but it will remain forever in my heart.

Ian D.

Thank You, Ian!

Do recovery thank you letters get much more beautiful? Not is you’re talking about hope and dreams and all of the other great things that go along with full recovery. And to be sure, Ian is enjoying full recovery. You can hear it in every word.

Full Recovery

As you may have noticed, full recovery didn’t just drop into Ian’s lap. He had to come here to get it. Then he had to work for it. There were rules to abide by, as well as a program to adhere to. In fact, it was just that structure which helped spur him along.

And boy was Ian spurred. He made new, lifelong friends. He also discovered inner, life-affirming strengths. Yes, those strengths had been there all along. But until Ian had the chance to actually bring them out, they may well have not existed at all. Now those strengths are propelling him on a road of sweet success.

They’ve also helped Ian find freedom and happiness, and given him the drive to follow his dreams. Men too often get stopped in their tracks before they’ve really had a chance at life. Especially addicted men. And one of Healing Properties‘ major goals is to help get men back on track again.

That’s all a part of full recovery. And yes, as you see, it can spark a complete transformation.

How about you? Are you ready to transform? Could you use some serious freedom and happiness? Would you like to make some new lifelong friends to boot? How about summon some life-affirming strengths? Well then, please give us a ring. We’d be honored to get you sorted. Truly honored. Because helping men find sobriety is what we do. And truthfully there’s no bigger or better honor than helping you.

(Image Pixabay)

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