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Call us Today 561-563-8882

Family Educational Weekend


Complimentary Weekend in South Florida

Loved ones often feel overwhelmed, confused, angry, fearful, and unsure as to what to do or how to handle their particular situation. The Schnellenberger Family Foundation’s Family Educational Weekend at The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center is geared towards the needs of the immediate family members of drug and alcohol addicts. The intent of the weekend is to provide the family with a complimentary, three-day stay in South Florida with the addict, supporting him, and most importantly learning to be a force for healing and recovery.

The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center

The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center clients who have been in treatment for four weeks or more automatically qualify for the Family Educational Weekend. The Schnellenberger Family Foundation’s Family Educational Weekend at The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center is a cross between clients’ regular support system and Family Weekly Webinar series.
The Family Educational Weekend boasts a full spectrum of educational workshops, with and without the client present. Among the topics covered are: The Disease Concept, Understanding Addiction, The Chemically Dependent Family System, Codependency, Enabling vs. Supporting, Healthy vs. Unhealthy Boundaries, Communication Styles, Family Self-Care, Introduction to 12-Step programs AA and Al-Anon, as well as Mistaken Beliefs About Treatment and Recovery/Relapse.
Here the families are provided the same tools for recovery that have been given to their respective loved ones; only in this case, those tools have been designed from the family’s perspective. There’s also ample opportunity for interaction between attending families and their loved ones, including an open group Impact/Accountability Workshop. While the issues raised are often difficult to address, both families and clients say this is one of their favorite sessions.

Hosted Quarterly at Delray Beach

The Schnellenberger Family Foundation Family Educational Weekend takes place quarterly in Delray Beach, within walking distance of The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center. It is hosted and overseen by The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center CEO, Tim Schnellenberger and The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center staff, including Clinical Director, Lauren Tynes, COO/Lead Instructor, David Zaiff, Minister to the Community, Rabbi Mark Rotenberg, Lead Therapist, Willow Donovan, Communications Director, Nick Johnson, and Director of Outreach, Jon Raum.


The Schnellenberger Family Foundation Family Educational Weekend

The Schnellenberger Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center | 85 SW 5th Avenue, Delray Beach, Fl 33444 | 1(866)418-0146

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