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Call us Today 561-563-8882

Sober South Florida

Sober South Florida

Sober South Florida

A Sober South Florida

Believe it or not there is such a thing as a sober South Florida. Yeah, we know. South Florida is known for its partying and its craziness. But there are all kinds of ways to have fun in the sun. And sobriety is one of ’em.

Indeed, South Florida has many advantages for those seeking to get and stay sober. There’s an increasingly well-regulated recovery industry, that includes everything from addiction treatment centers to sober living facilities. And that, in turn, has created an increasingly active recovery community. South Florida now prides itself on its sobriety. Consequently, the sober find pride in South Florida.

Got doubts? Then check the A.A. meeting lists schedule. For there you’ll find meetings at nearly every hour of the day or night. There are meetings held in churches, as well as in clubhouses. Then there are 12 Step meetings held in A.A. sanctioned halls. Regardless of where they’re held though, all are filled with people who have faced their problems and are now living in the solution.

Yes, South Florida has become a mecca for long-term sobriety alright. And it promises to stay that way too.

Creating a Sober South Florida

Healing Properties has been helping to create a sober South Florida since 2001. We’ve seen men come to Delray Beach and stay. We’ve seen men come to Delray Beach and go. But whether they stayed and made a place for themselves in South Florida or gone and reclaimed their place back home, they’ve done so sober and in great numbers. In fact, over the years we’ve helped more than 5000 men achieve long-term sobriety.

Many of the men have gotten sober at our adjacent Recovery Boot Camp addiction treatment center. Most of those then went on to stay sober at Healing Properties halfway house. Either way, they found themselves living and thriving in a sober South Florida.

For a Sober South Florida

Again, sober South Florida is not an oxymoron. It is a real thing. And it is helping untold thousands of Americans achieve true sobriety. South Florida provides strong sober support. South Florida provides strict sober house guidelines. And South Florida provides numerous sober opportunities.

Some of those opportunities involve outdoor activities (i.e. parks, beaches, courts and fields). Other opportunities spring from an open-minded business climate (which provides jobs and/or understanding). All opportunities are product of having a grateful and active recovery community.

Have you recently gotten sober? Do you want to stay sober? If so, then come join the folks in a sober South Florida.

Get Help Today