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There are all kinds of ways to measure our most sinful states. Jealousy, Lust, Vanity and Laziness are just a few of the easier ones.
Many a drinker can be found floundering over their laptop asking Google “Am I an Alcoholic?” Turns out that may be just the wrong question.
Herschel Walker may not have done a lot of things he’s claimed, but apparently using convict labor isn’t one of them.
By now you’ve heard of Narcan Parties. You probably also know they’re an Urban Myth. But did you know that myth can be incredibly dangerous? It’s true.
Addiction makes life unmanageable. We know that. Substance abuse can wreck our worlds. We know that too. That’s why we get clean. Now that we’re sober though, we’ve gotta stay sober. And that takes work. It also takes being in a safe place. A place like the halfway house in Delray Beach known as Healing Properties. Why Should I Choose…
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