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What is Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)?

intensive outpatient program

What is Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)?

Healing Properties Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is where you’ll learn how to walk the walk that will permit you to live the life — the life beyond your wildest dreams.

IOP at HP: An Overview

That’s right. IOP at HP is where you’ll solidify everything you’ve learned about your addiction and advance down the road to true and unmitigated recovery. In other words, IOP will provide you the opportunity to use the recovery tools you’ve been given, whether that was here at Healing Properties, or elsewhere. And to put those recovery tools to good use. IOP will also grant you the chance to put into practice all the spiritual tools essential to real recovery.

Again, IOP is where you’ll learn how to walk the walk that will permit you to live the life. Better yet, you’ll be walking that walk with all the benefits of a trusted safety net. Because in IOP, you’ll be receiving expert guidance necessary to stay on the road to recovery. And with our staff at Healing Properties watching your back each and every step of the way, you’ll be sure to put your best foot forward.

Intensive Outpatient Program: Guidance & Support

Trusted Advisors

In IOP, you’ll learn to rely upon trusted, sober advisors — ours and others. Each thoroughly schooled in long-term sobriety. This will help ensure your choices take into account every aspect of your recovery. You’ll be braced for whatever lies ahead, because you’ll have the strength and knowledge of those who’ve come before you. You’ll also learn to employ the positivity of people who’ve been there and know what it takes to live happy joyous and free.

Life Management

IOP will also fully address life management, just as we do in our Aftercare/Outpatient Program — only more so. Now you’ll be taking steps back into the world-at-large. And we’ll be ensuring those steps are carefully considered and assured. Dealing with outstanding legal entanglements? Our case managers will help you untangle them. Need to put together a resume, open a bank account or apply for student aid? We’ll help you do that too. Whatever it takes to get you on your way to your new and sober life.

Rejoin Society

And what about that job? Well, a job is a spiritual thing. Even if it isn’t your dream career. That is, the kind of job you take while you complete your schooling or otherwise prepare to pursue your chosen career. Simply rejoining the workforce and becoming a responsible member of society again can produce all sorts of spiritual rewards. You’ll become aware of all you’re capable of. You’ll learn tolerance and patience and understanding. You may pick up a new set of skills, or perhaps even discover a whole new career. Mostly though, you’ll find the solace and the dignity that comes from being reliable. Everybody respects someone who can be counted on. And becoming someone who can be counted on is the surest way for you to regain the respect of others, as well as the respect of yourself.

Fellowship & Accountability

IOP meets three evenings a week. That will give you ample time for learning and applying everything our addiction treatment program has to offer. You’ll have camaraderie and fellowship, consistency and accountability. You’ll also be building a foundation for the future. Consider IOP at HP a place where you regain your footing; the footing that can only be found on solid ground.

Who Benefits From an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Anyone seeking help with drug and alcohol addiction will benefit from an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP). It’s especially helpful for those who are looking to transition from a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). In fact, IOP at HP is designed with just that in mind. You will reside in a structured sober environment. You will attend 9 to 15 hours of group therapy and individual therapy sessions each week. And you will incorporate work and/or school into your recovery program. You’ll also receive vocational and financial counseling, including resume building and interview techniques. And you’ll knock it all out in approximately 12 weeks.

IOP at HP: Features & Criteria


Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) clients must be medically and psychiatrically stable, entirely free from alcohol and drugs, and have recently completed a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), here or elsewhere. Clients are also required to work, volunteer or attend school full-time, meet weekly with their therapist, get a sponsor, work the 12 Steps and attend a minimum of five AA/NA meetings per week. These criteria will best prepare you for a long and everlasting recovery.


HP’s Intensive Outpatient Program features include:

  • Group Psychotherapy
  • Individual Counseling
  • Gender-Specific Group Setting
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Family Program and Services
  • 12-Step Meetings
  • Vocational Counseling
  • Spiritual Counseling
  • Effective Intensive Outpatient Program

    Healing Properties’ Intensive Outpatient Program is for men who are truly serious about sobriety. We mean addicted men who’ve had enough with addiction. Men who are ready to kick drugs and alcohol once and for all. IOP at HP is Intensive (duh). It’s comprehensive (double duh). And it’s effective. No foolin.’

    Want proof? Just check our Written and Video Testimonials. Or take a good look at our Mom’s Page. There you’ll find first-person proof from men just like you, as well as the mothers who love them. Better yet, consider the pedigree. Healing Properties has been helping men get clean and stay sober since 2002. That means thousands upon thousands of men now leading full and fulfilling lives. How many men exactly? We couldn’t count ’em all. But they all counted on us. And you can too!

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