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Substance Use Disorder: More Research, Better Treatment

substance use disorder

Substance Use Disorder: More Research, Better Treatment

Substance use disorder experts say more research and better treatment integration will improve addiction recovery outcomes. That’s why we do both.

Substance Use Disorder: Research & Treatment

Allegheny General is the flagship hospital of the Allegheny Health Network (AHN). It’s also home to the medical system’s Center for Inclusion Health. The Center aims to integrate marginalized patients into general care settings. Considering most of those marginalized patients are addicts and/or alcoholics, the Center’s staff knows a thing or two about substance use disorder treatment. They know what works. They know what doesn’t work. And they know what’s needed.

They know that addiction treatment needs to be integrated with other aspects of patients’ lives. They also know those aspects include stable housing and employment, adequate social support and other chronic health issues.

“So, someone can get the best treatment in the world and do really well…” explained addiction professional Brooke Feldman. “Yet when they leave, if the conditions of their life aren’t pro-health, it’s not going to stick.”

So too Stuart Fisk of AHN’s Center for Inclusion Health. Fisk said drug users have historically been siloed into separate health care systems, including jails and prisons. This, he argues, has failed patients. It’s also made health systems weaker.

“If you bring in the most complicated patient and figure out how to take care of them, then everybody else in the care system is going to get better care,” said Fisk. “Because if you can figure out how to take care of a homeless, schizophrenic, cocaine-addicted, transgender woman, you can take care of anybody.”

Pittsburgh’s substance abuse experts also lament the field’s dearth of clinical research, especially as compared to other areas of medicine.

“If I were a cardiologist or an oncologist, I could get down to the finest detail of a decision and find good science to support it,” said Geisinger Health System‘s Dr. Margaret Jarvis. “That just does not exist in addiction medicine.”

The chief of addiction medicine also said the lack of “good” science means people who seek substance use disorder treatment often end up getting substandard care.

Treating Substance Use Disorder

Healing Properties concurs with the Pittsburgh area addiction treatment professionals. More effective substance use disorder treatment is needed. So is more addiction treatment research. That’s why we provide both.

That’s right. We provide effective addiction treatment, as well as the numbers to back it up. And we’ll be providing both so long as there’s an addict or alcoholic in need of our help. No foolin.’

Of course, addiction isn’t treated by the numbers. It’s treated by the individual. And we’ve been focusing on individualized treatment since 2002. In fact, our one-by-one approach has helped thousands upon thousands. And yes, we’ve got the numbers to prove it. Just check our Vista Research Group page.

Want even more proof? Then scope our reviews and testimonials. There you’ll find first-person proof from all across the country.

So if you’re in need of Detox or PHP, IOP, OP and/or Aftercare. We’ll craft an effective addiction treatment program just for you. Better yet, we’ll help you go on to live the life of your dreams.

The above comments were made at the Pittsburgh-based Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addictions and reported by Pittsburgh NPR affiliate WESA. We kindly thank them for permitting us to post an edited extract from the proceedings. We also applaud all the substance use disorder professionals who took part in the event.

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