Jelly Roll Claims California Sobriety Keeps Him Off Hard Drugs
Jelly Roll insists it was good old-fashioned Mary Jane that saved him from succumbing to hard drugs like Xanax and Cocaine.
Should Fentanyl Dealers Be Prosecuted for Murder?
A California jury’s guilty verdict shows that it isn’t just DAs who want fentanyl dealers prosecuted for murder.
St. Tammany Wants Out of the OD Club
St. Tammany thought it was finally getting a grip on its opioid problem; the fatal OD of a 15 year-old girl got the Parish to think again.
Krokodil Makes Crack and Smack Look Like Health Foods
Krokodil may have been around awhile, but the flesh-eating zombie drug is making a play for the West. We can’t let that happen.
PGA Tour Card in One Pocket; Heroin in the Other
Two things most thrill a golfer: a PGA Tour Card and a high profile hole-in-one. Willy Wilcox got both. He also got addicted to opioids.