NYC Drug Arrests Down / Drug Overdoses Up
NYC drug arrests are down to their lowest numbers in years – unfortunately, fatal overdoses are at their highest. What’s the disconnect?

McKinsey: The Opioid Epidemic’s Unsung Evil-Doer
Purdue Pharma is finally paying some of the price for orchestrating the deadly opioid epidemic. But will its chief consultant McKinsey & Company also be penalized? More and more folks insist they should be. Too Sickening for Words “Last month, the pharmaceutical giant Purdue Pharma pleaded guilty to charges related to the sale and marketing of the painkiller OxyContin. Even…
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Recovery Strong: How Dale King is Strengthening His Hometown
What do you get by adding CrossFit, kettlebells and military frontline strategy to addiction treatment? Strength, hope and a new lease on life. Call it: Recovery Strong. That’s a quick summation of what’s happening in and to the town of Portsmouth, Ohio. But even a phrase as bold and as emboldening as Recovery Strong doesn’t completely describe the true sum…
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