Rats and Addicts: The Twin Pillars of Addiction Treatment
Rats and addicts. Say it again: rats and addicts. The pairing kind of has a nice ring to it, no? Sounds a little vicious too. Then again, the pairing should have a vicious ring, especially since it consists of two of the least reputable beings on the planet. Think about it. Would you put your trust in either a rat or an addict? Probably not.
Detroit Recovery Project: Engine for a New Future
The Detroit Recovery Project has been providing much-needed rev for nearly two decades. Now it’s poised to be the engine that drives a new future.
U.S. Senators Get Serious About Substance Abuse
From millions awarded in West Virginia to billions requested by New York, U.S. Senators are signaling real seriousness about substance abuse. And not a moment too soon either! New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) wants the COVID Relief Bill to include an additional $10B for mental health and substance abuse services. Yes, that’s right. Billion with…
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