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Delray Beach Addiction Recovery

delray beach addiction recovery

Delray Beach Addiction Recovery

If you or your loved one is looking for a safe, caring and effective Delray Beach addiction recovery center, then you’ve come to just the right spot!

Addiction Recovery in Delray Beach Florida

There are many reasons why men from all across America seek addiction recovery in Delray Beach, Florida. Chief among them is the increasingly active and thriving recovery community. Delray Beach features a wide array of recovery-friendly workplaces, as well as an even wider array of recovery-friendly activities. Some of those activities involve meetings. Some of those activities revolve around sponsors and sponsees. And some of those activities take place on the sand or the surf or the open sea. None of those activities involve drugs or alcohol.

But — get this — they’re just as much fun anyway. In fact, they’re largely even more fun. Especially when you wake the next day and find there’s no wreckage to clean up. Heck, you might even find yourself waking to a sense of real well-being. Because here you’ll find the dawn of a truly brand new day.

Of course it’s not all fun and sun among your sober new friends (though it is that). It’s not all working at an Atlantic Avenue hotspot either (though it can be that too). It takes some serious commitment. To yourself. To your sobriety. And to your future.

It also takes getting with a reputable Delray Beach addiction recovery center. It doesn’t matter if you drink or you drug or you do both. You won’t thoroughly recover if you don’t address your addiction issues with a thorough rehab.

So do some homework. See which Florida rehab has been around. See which one has a proven track record. And see which works best for men like you. Better yet, just read on.

Successful Delray Beach Addiction Recovery Center for Men

Healing Properties is a Delray Beach addiction recovery center that thoroughly knows how to succeed in sobriety. Then again, we should know. Considering we’ve been helping men get sober since 2002.

That’s right. Healing Properties has been working our addiction recovery magic for nearly 20 years now. Over that span we’ve helped thousands of men get clean and stay clean. We’ve also helped them go on to live full — and fulfilling — lives.

How? By offering individualized addiction treatment. It doesn’t matter what you did or where you did it. It doesn’t matter what your trouble is or how you got it. And it doesn’t matter whether you drink or you drug or you drink and you drug. If you’re willing to commit, we’ll get you clean and sober. No foolin.’

Our individualized recovery plans include:

  • Ropes Challenge Course
  • Relapse Prevention
  • Family Programs
  • FTX Therapy & Wellness
  • Recovery Boot Camp Track
  • Better still, we offer our programs in various lengths and intensity, including PHP, IOP and OP/Aftercare of 30, 60 and 90 day durations. We also offer a strong Sober Living Program. A feature which is made all the stronger by our consistently active Recovered Alumni Program.

    Want proof? Just check our reviews and testimonials. There you’ll find all kinds of proof, from all types of men, from every corner of our country. Want even more proof? Then take a look at our Vista Research Group page. Vista helps us tabulate our recovery success rates so we can become even more successful. Because success itself comes from always striving to be even more successful. And we’ve got the evidence to back it up.

    So what are you waiting for? Give us a call. Find out how we can help you turn around your life. You deserve better. In fact, you deserve the best. We’ll get you better so you can be your best!

    Get Help Today