What’s in an Aftercare / Outpatient Program (OP)?
There are more than a few essential components to an effective Aftercare / Outpatient Program. Read on to find out just what they are.
Aftercare vs Outpatient Program
On the one hand, Aftercare Programs and Outpatient Programs (OP) are two sides of the same coin. Both gear you up to handle sobriety, as well as day-to-day life. And both can follow an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP).
On the other hand, Aftercare best follows an Outpatient Program. It also complements OP. In fact, Aftercare not only re-emphasizes all the great good that comes from your Outpatient Program, but it also ensures you continue to live in the solution.
Whether you choose to take Aftercare and OP alone or in succession largely depends on your particular circumstances. That’s why Healing Properties offers a flexible array of plans. Remember though, Aftercare and OP combined make for the most successful recovery.
Extensive Aftercare Program
Healing Properties’ extensive Aftercare program incorporates all the elements of our long-standing — and long-running — Sober Home Program, as well as some of the key ingredients of our Outpatient Program (OP).
Aftercare’s core consists of a weekly three-hour spiritual group session with Minister to the Community Rabbi Mark “The Gromit” Rotenberg. The meeting revolves around of a round-robin check-in, which will give you an opportunity to address whatever’s arisen throughout the week — good, bad and/or indifferent. It will also give you a chance to get feedback and input from Rabbi Mark himself, who’s got two decades in recovery, as well as from your peers, who are not only on the same page of the program, but who often share similar paths as you. It frequently takes the perspective of a friend to help you see the truth in a given situation. And the check-in will unleash a myriad of fresh perspective.
Steel on Steel
Speaking of perspective… Aftercare also includes one of the most perspective-expanding programs in recovery. It’s called Steel on Steel. And it was devised and refined many years ago by members of Alcoholics Anonymous. By definition, Steel on Steel is a Spiritual Exercise. And it was specifically designed for A.A. members who are set on attaining a deeper connection to their spirituality. In actuality, it’s an advanced method of achieving unparalleled enlightenment.
The name springs from the Spiritual Principal which reads “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” And its ultimate goal is to reach the highest realms of the Fellowship of the Spirit. As you might expect, the undertaking requires an intense personal commitment. But by this time, you’ll have already made an intense personal commitment, so this will simply further embed you in the process of your own recovery. No, Steel on Steel ain’t for the faint of heart. But it is for the man who’s looking to fully put his heart into the matter, once and for all.
Strengthening Fellowship
Aftercare is also where you’ll find — and reap the benefits of — an ever strengthening fellowship. Fellowship itself is all about heart. Where to place it. How to listen to it. How to follow it. And how best to share it with others. It’s about enlarging your heart to include the company of men who, like you, are seeking to reach out and help someone other than themselves. If recovery is about living a truly heartfelt life (and it is), then fellowship is about having the heart to do just that.
We’ve had our heart in fellowship since we opened our doors back in 2002. A fact that’s especially evident in our Aftercare program. Fellowship serves as the very cornerstone of our philosophy. And it’ll continue to serve us so long as there are men in need of our help. Why? Because fellowship is a crucial component of recovery.
The fellowship found in those who are on the same path, confronting the same issues, and possessing the same goals, yields formidable strength to all concerned. You’ll feel it for yourself. In every aspect of your being. After all, by the time you’ve reached Aftercare, you and your peers will have at least 90 days of sobriety. 90 days!
You will have faced your fears together, immersed yourself in the program and taken the steps necessary to move above and beyond what brought you to your lowest. You’ll also have forged unbreakable bonds. The kind of bonds that create lifelong friendships, and which tie you to a whole new family. A family of men who are all committed to living full and sober lives.
Continuing In-House Support
Aftercare doesn’t mean an end to in-house support. Quite the contrary. You’ll continue to have access to all of our recovery counselors, whether it’s your individual therapist, your caseworker or our in-house team of behavioral techs and facilitators. That is to say, you’ll still have the safety net provided throughout your time at Healing Properties. You’ll be trusted, because you’ll have earned it. Our trust, as well as the trust of others. And — yes! — you’ll once again be trusting yourself.
Aftercare is where you’ll join the ranks of nearly two decades of prior recovery practice. It means access to all the insight gathered by and from the 7000-plus men who preceded you here. It will allow you to avoid the many mistakes that might trip you up and also permit you to take advantage of the many successes that will enable you to soar. You’ll garner the strength and the solidity of an extended sober family; a family who’ve extended their hands directly to you. They’ve set the stage for your sobriety, it’s now up to you. Each step will bring you closer to your goal — long-term sobriety.
Consider Aftercare as much a restoration as a reformation of your entire life. A restoring of the bonds between loved ones, your standing in the community, the respect of yourself and others. Together, the two will combine to provide a total transformation. Basically, it’s the start of a new life. The new you might not recognize many of the characteristics that made up the old you. Then again, it won’t want to. It won’t need to either. You will now be able to recognize the truly important aspects of your life, and how best to appreciate those aspects. And at the end of the day, you’ll be putting into practice the one essential element of genuine recovery — gratitude.
Outpatient Program (OP)
Healing Properties’ Outpatient Program (OP) provides the continued support that’s essential to maintaining long-term recovery. It’s also designed for those who’ve achieved a significant level of treatment.
Outpatient Program requirements include being medically and psychiatrically stable, as well as completely drug and alcohol free. You must also have completed Residential, Partial Hospitalization (PHP), and/or Intensive Outpatient (IOP) addiction treatment programs. Transitioning back into the local community isn’t always easy. Heck, sometimes even participating in everyday life can bring about difficult challenges. Especially in early recovery. However, an Outpatient Program will allow you to have the necessary support and structure to handle whatever comes your way.
HP’s Outpatient Program consists of a weekly group therapy session, plus one weekly individual session with your primary therapist. This will give you the flexibility necessary to become more engaged in your life, as well as in your recovery. OP will also allow you to continue receiving therapeutic and medical services. Remember, an Outpatient Program is a vital step in the life-long pursuit of recovery. It will give you a chance to collaborate with your primary therapist on creating a comprehensive discharge plan. And it will help you succeed after completing addiction treatment.
Medical Services
Healing Properties believes in consistency. Consequently, the same medical services which we offer at other levels of care will continue to be available to you in OP. You will continue to have consistent monitoring of your medical and psychiatric conditions. Only now you’ll be able to self administer your medications. You will also be able to continually meet with medical staff to further review your medication regimen. Once OP is completed, we’ll refer you to primary care physicians, psychiatric services, and/or other medical specialists within the local area. If you do not remain in the local area, we’ll provide you with referrals for the area to which you are returning. Whatever the case, Healing Properties’ clinical staff will create a thorough discharge plan which will incorporate continuing therapeutic services with another qualified clinician, medical referrals, and sober living environments.
Therapeutic Services
An Outpatient Program also means you’ll meet with your primary therapist to review your treatment progress. Following your treatment review, you and your therapist will set goals to hit while undergoing this level of care. This is an essential aspect of our Outpatient Program. And it will be tailored to your specific needs.
By this time you’ll be working full-time. You’ll also have begun to become more integrated into everyday life. Your therapist will help you identify your strengths, as well as your continuing struggles. And they’ll help you proceed accordingly. If you’re struggling with stressors in your work environment. We’ll address that. If you’re having difficulty maintaining close interpersonal relationships, we’ll address that too. If you’re having trouble managing your finances or incorporating sober life skills into your day-to-day, we’ll handle that as well. Remember, early recovery will bring gifts, as well as challenges. And the Healing Properties staff is trained to assist you with both.
Discharge Plan
In HP’s Outpatient Program your primary therapist will further collaborate with you and other staff members to create a comprehensive and individualized discharge plan. We offer a robust Sober Living Program. Consequently, many of our clients choose to transition from our adjacent halfway house. Why? Because there you’ll find the continued support and structure necessary for long-term sobriety. If however you decide to return home or to transition to a new area, your discharge plan will provide you with the resources necessary to continue your recovery wherever you go. Here or elsewhere, your continuing medical, psychiatric, and supportive needs will be incorporated into your discharge plan.
Aftercare & Outpatient Programs
Both Aftercare and Outpatient addiction treatment programs provide you with continuing access to our experienced and sober staff. Indeed, every HP staff member is active in their own recovery. And they’ll have an in-depth understanding of what it will take to see you through to long-term sobriety.
You’ll also continue to receive peer support from our large network with Recovered Alumni. This will, in turn, help position you to be a source of support for your treatment peers.
Indeed, many HP clients go on to play an integral role in the newcomers’ recovery. Then again, we’ve always believed in the concept of service. So it stands to good reason that our alumni take every opportunity to help others.
All in all, both Aftercare and OP means you’ll continue to receive clinical treatment, 12-Step facilitation, psychoeducational information, spirituality, life skills training, along with relapse prevention strategies. It also means you and your therapist will continue to navigate your challenges in a caring and supportive environment.
If you or your loved one is ready gain the confidence and self-esteem provided by our Aftercare and Outpatient Programs, please get in touch with us today. You’ll be glad that you did.