An Alcoholic in the Cabinet
“Hi, I’m Marty Walsh. And I’m an alcoholic.”
Celebrating Alcohol Awareness Month
After getting through a full year of isolation, sober folks are more than ready to celebrate Alcohol Awareness Month. More than deserving too. Then again, right now people are ready to celebrate just about anything.
Alcoholism Can Be Just as Deadly as Drug Addiction
Alcoholics face many dangers. Grave dangers. Higher risk of some cancers. Lower immune system. Fistfights. Crashed cars. Rage of all kinds. Heck, one of alcohol’s main ingredients is even toxic. So yeah, alcoholism can be just as deadly as drug addiction. In fact, it’s often even deadlier.
Bills Star Jordan Poyer: One Year Sober
Nobody would’ve blamed Jordan Poyer for going on a bender back in 2019. After all, it did almost seem that his team threw away their best chance. Buffalo Bills ahead by 16 at the half. The rival Houston Texans at 0. The game looked like a lock.
Let’s Celebrate SAMHSA’s 17th Annual Prevention Day!
SAMHSA’s Prevention Day is here again! That means a full slate of addiction-fighting activities. It also means a day for America to unite behind a single purpose. And that, dear friends, is itself worth the price of admission. Then again, admission is free. Just like our country. Unfortunately it’s not like that for everyone in our country. We mean of…
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