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Many alcoholic hepatitis patients must be six months sober before getting on a liver transplant list; most don’t even have six months to live.
Once a popular Republican member of Congress, she’s now perhaps the most unorthodox proponent of using magic mushrooms against alcoholism.
Drug overdoses rose 30% last year; binge drinking did too. So in the battle of alcohol vs drugs, which is really killing more Americans?
The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test is a sure-fire way to see if you have AUD. Test yourself, before you wreck yourself!
Alcoholics face many dangers. Grave dangers. Higher risk of some cancers. Lower immune system. Fistfights. Crashed cars. Rage of all kinds. Heck, one of alcohol’s main ingredients is even toxic. So yeah, alcoholism can be just as deadly as drug addiction. In fact, it’s often even deadlier.