All of America Deserves an Angel Program
Imagine turning yourself in at a police station, asking for help with substance abuse, then being directed to rehab — no questions asked. That’s how the Angel Program works. And it reportedly works wonders. In fact, the program is working so well — and is in such need — that it’s expanding. That’s right. The Michigan State Police‘s much-revered Angel…
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The Lumineers Help to End Addiction
Can a song actually end addiction? How ’bout a story? How ’bout a buncha songs telling a singular story? Those seem to be the questions the Lumineers asked with the release of the addiction-riddled III (Dualtone Records). It also seems to be the question they asked when partnering with the Partnership to End Addiction. The reason for the teaming? The…
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Let’s Celebrate SAMHSA’s 17th Annual Prevention Day!
SAMHSA’s Prevention Day is here again! That means a full slate of addiction-fighting activities. It also means a day for America to unite behind a single purpose. And that, dear friends, is itself worth the price of admission. Then again, admission is free. Just like our country. Unfortunately it’s not like that for everyone in our country. We mean of…
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Reality Tour Gets Up Close & Personal
The consequences of addiction can be devastating. Unfortunately, folks generally don’t realize that until it’s way too late. Reality Tour aims to change all that — one family at a time. Make that one classroom full of families at a time. See Reality Tour generally takes place at schools. Makes sense considering kids sparked the cause. Parents, teachers and students…
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Binge Drinking at Home — It’s Pandemic!
More and more companies willing to deliver alcohol to the more and more Americans who are still stuck at home is sparking a rapid rise in binge drinking. In fact, some say it’s a veritable pandemic! Binge Drinking in the Age of COVID-19 What do you do when there’s nothing to do? Drink. Not one drink or two drinks. But…
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