Austin Gets Its Narcan Vending Machine
Welcome to the Age of the Narcan Vending Machine – and not a moment too soon! Let’s hope more communities soon see the light!
Could This Drug Court Be the Future?
Rio Arriba County might seem like the Moon; for a drug court though, it’s more like Mars. Is that why it’s changing things here on Earth?
Isn’t it Time We End the War on Drugs?
America’s longest war didnt take place in Afghanistan; it took place right here. It’s still taking place too. It’s called the War on Drugs.
Drug Overdose Death Rate At An All-Time High
Well, the numbers are in — and they’re devastating. In fact, as well as in effect. America’s drug overdose death rate surpassed all previous records. It’s not a record we wanted to surpass either. Not ever.
Rehab Instead of Prison? What a Novel Idea!
Seems we may not be re-entering the Dark Ages after all. In fact, with Oregon set to send addicts to rehab rather than prison, we may be in a new age of enlightenment. That’s the big, bright idea behind the Beaver State’s Measure 110, which just went into effect. The law not only decriminalizes all drugs in Oregon, but it…
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